HOMA Communications believes that clean water is a basic necessity for life, but it is not a
reality for our global population. In response, our organization seeks to improve the social
awareness in multilingual communities, work tirelessly to eliminate the climate change threat,
save lives, and transform societies for a better future.


Our Mission

Our mission is to advance water education and awareness in multilingual communities to understand challenges better and inspire local solutions by envisioning a world in which action-oriented education enables everyone to understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a multilingual approach to people and explain that water is relevant to every discipline and person on Earth. H2OMA believes that water education helps people connect to their local watersheds and understand their relationship to local water resources

We achieve our mission by:

  • Publishing water and climate change education materials in multilingual appropriate for different ages and cultures, and provide essential coverage of the broad topic of water resources and climate change.
  • Providing community workshops to educators at all levels, formal and non-formal, on diverse water and climate change topics so that those educators can reach communities with objective, experiential, science-based water education. 
  • Implementing customized projects with corporations, government organizations, and local watershed managers. 
  • Building a worldwide network of educators, water and climate change resource professionals, NGOs, groups of climate scientists, and other experts to advocate for solving complex climate change issues.